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Tag Archives: Food

Facts about drinking fruit juices.

For those who do not like eating vegetables and fruits, drinking vegetable and fruit juices may help you get some vitamins and minerals instead, especially vitamin C.  However, eating the whole fruit provides more benefits because fruit juice has less nutritional value than the flesh of the

Benefits of drinking water.

Water is an important factor for internal bodily processes. Such as flushing toxins out of organs or transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells. As well as other benefits as follows: How much water should you drink per day? Every day, the body loses water through

Preventing constipation.

Constipation is a symptom of having fewer bowel movements than normal or not having a bowel movement for a long time. The normal bowel movement behavior and frequency of bowel movements of each person are different body. Constipation problems can be easily prevented by yourself as

Health Benefits of Apples.

Apples are another fruit that people like to eat because in addition to being delicious. They are also rich in nutrients that are beneficial to the body in many ways Eating apples has several health benefits, including:UFABET   1. Antioxidants Apples contain polyphenols and flavonoids which

Make your own bowl of muesli.

Muesli can be called a convenience food and easy to make. Just mix the required ingredients in a bowl. Pour in the milk and eat. A simple example of how to make muesli. Start with ⅓ cup instant oatmeal, followed by 1 sliced ​​banana, 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds,

Benefits of Manuka Honey.

Manuka honey contains carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, fatty acids, phenolic compounds and flavonoids which are antioxidants. Although these nutrients can also be found in other types of honey. But manuka honey contains Methylglyoxal (MGO) with natural antibacterial properties in greater amounts than what is found in regular honey. It

Benefits of whole wheat bread and white bread.

Nowadays, people prefer to consume more whole wheat bread. Because it is believed to have good health benefits. There are many studies that have studied the benefits of whole wheat bread and white bread. To see how both types of bread affect health. Also, wheat bread is more beneficial